Community Work
A person is more than what they say, they are also what they do.
Community work allows us to give back to the areas we live and work in. We can raise important voices that may not be heard otherwise, help non-profits connect with donors to facilitate their work, help bring focus to an issue that has a daily impact on our lives, and bring meaning to our work apart from just being a means of sustenance.
Walk This Way was an awareness campaign created by the Boston Public Health Commission to combat jaywalking in the city after an alarming rise in pedestrian accidents in the city. This social awareness campaign consisted of transit ads, crosswalk signs, and sidewalk decals and was supported by public relations outreach. By using levity to confront a subject that many would consider grim, the messages were more readily received, and accidents were reduced significantly. Winner of New England Hatch Award, and a Graphic Design USA award.
CMI is a well-respected non-profit rowing organization that helps people of all ages become stronger individuals by revealing and building valuable life skills: self-reliance, goal setting, and teamwork among them.
The Growing CMI campaign is a capital campaign focused on raising funds to extend thier reach, improve safety and equipment and meet their staffing needs through 2025.
ConfiKids provides financial support and opportunities for children of limited financial means to participate in enrichment activities. By doing so kids may pursue their interests and passions, develop new skills, establish new relationships, and, ultimately, build confidence.
The Rhode Island Children’s Crusade was established to encourage students to stay in school and gain admission to college or other higher education institutions. Serving predominately a low-income, minority population, 65% of Crusaders are first-generation Latinx. Children enroll in the third grade and remain through high school. In return, the crusade provides various levels of college scholarships.
This Annual report was created for the 15th anniversary of the Crusade – an exceptional year in Latino culture, marking the coming of age of Latina women. A quinceañera theme was selected to honor that heritage.